Aksara: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

AKSARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (Journal of Linguistics and Literature) is a biannual journal (April and October) published by the Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung. It addresses a wide range of different fields in linguistics, applied linguistics, arts, and literature.

The journal aims to promote the development of links between research in linguistics, applied linguistics, arts, as well as literature and its application in professional and educational settings. Therefore, the journal invites researchers, scholars, students to submit their research articles and literature reviews for publication in this journal.


Journal's DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/aksara

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Continuous Publication Model

Beginning Volume 22 No. 2 2021 (May - October), we are adopting a continuous publication format. This means that as soon as a manuscript is ready and well-prepared for publication, it will be immediately published online, creating a rapid flow of quality articles. When an issue cycle closes, all published articles will go to print, and the next issue will commence online.  
Posted: 2021-03-25
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Vol 26, No 1 (2025): Aksara: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra (in procces)

Table of Contents

Research Article

Resi Syahrani Tausya, Alemina Br. Perangin-angin
1 - 15
Anisa Nur Maharani, Hindun Hindun, Siva Risthavania Putri, Yulia Nur Hasanah
16 - 24
Zikriani Zikriani, Mulyadi Mulyadi
25 - 39
Sulaiman Sulaiman, Irma Rahmawati
40 - 63
Haris Khoironi, Moh. Tarojjil Mahbub, Ahmad Khawarizmy Zihan, FX Sawardi
64 - 73
Muhammad Fuad, Istiqomah Ahsanu Amala, Ulul Azmi Muhammad
74 - 87
Cundarojat Sidiq Saladin, Akmaliyah Akmaliyah, Rohanda Rohanda
88 - 101
Suryani Dwi Fatonah, Zulfitriyani Zulfitriyani, Emil Septia
102 - 113
Poppy Rahayu, Amelya Septiana, Eva J.Noverisa, Nia Setiawati, Tasya Widijanti
114 - 123
Yosephine Marrietta Ardhya Yosani, Sumarlam Sumarlam
124 - 133
Novi Yunita, Rohanda Rohanda, Muhamad Nurhasan
134 - 145
Nurul Karimah, Odien Rosidin, Ilmi Solihat
146 - 163
Ratih Oktasari
164 - 172
Clementina Vincencia Kandam, Dany Ardhian
173 - 191
Annisa Nurul Khalifah, Agus Nur Salim
192 - 208
Vicky Fadly Ardana Putra, Eka Ririn Marantika, Khusnul Khotimah, Hanifullah Syukri
209 - 219
Adlina Amanda Nufus, Warsiman Warsiman, Muh. Fatoni Rohman
220 - 233