Profile of Students Mathematical Representation in Solving Trigonometric Problems Based on Mathematics Ability
Abstract: Profile of students mathematical representation in solving trigonometric problems based on mathematics ability. Objectives: This study aims to determine and describe students mathematical representational abilities in solving trigonometric problems based on mathematical abilities. Methods: This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach, in this study 3 subjects were selected from 36 students. Data was collected through tests and interviews. Findings: Students with high math skills are good at using visual representations and quite good at using equation representations or mathematical expressions. Students with moderate mathematical ability are quite good at using visual representations and representations of mathematical equations or expressions. Students with low mathematical ability are quite good at using visual representations but are still not good at using representations of mathematical equations or expressions. Conclusion: The three research subjects only involved visual representations and mathematical equations or expressions, but did not involve representations of words or written text in solving problems.
Keywords: Mathematical representation, problem solving, and mathematical ability.
Abstrak: Profil representasi matematis siswa dalam memecahkan masalah trigonometri berdasarkan kemampuan matematika. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan representasi matematis siswa dalam memecahkan masalah trigonometri berdasarkan kemampuan matematika. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, pada penelitian ini dipilih 3 subjek dari 36 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes dan wawancara. Temuan: Siswa berkemampuan matematika tinggi baik dalam menggunakan representasi visual dan cukup baik dalam menggunakan representasi persamaan atau ekspresi matematika. Siswa berkemampuan matematika sedang cukup baik dalam menggunakan representasi visual dan representasi persamaan atau ekspresi matematika. Siswa berkemampuan matematika rendah cukup baik dalam menggunakan representasi visual namun masih kurang baik dalam menggunakan representasi persamaan atau ekspresi matematika. Kesimpulan: Ketiga subjek penelitian hanya melibatkan representasi visual dan persamaan atau ekspresi matematika, namun tidak melibatkan representasi kata-kata atau teks tertulis dalam memecahkan masalah.
Kata kunci: Representasi matematis, pemecahan masalah, dan kemampuan matematika.
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