Exploring Computational Thinking In Learning Mathematics: A Systematic Literature Review From 2017-2024

Gita Rani Putri Mangiri, Sufyani Prabawanto


Abstract: Objective: The benefits of computational thinking have become an increasingly acknowledged and popular subject of investigation among researchers. This research aims to gather detail and comprehensive information regarding the learning of computational thinking skills in mathematics at various educational levels through a systematic literature review approach. Methods: With  a  focus  on  education level, instructional media, mathematics content, and the components of computational thinking addressed by previous researchers,  this  paper  applied  the  PRISMA  Systematic  Review Protocol to offer a comprehensive synthesis of sixteen empirical studies retrieved from the Scopus database on the implementation of computational thinking in mathematics education. Findings: Most research on fostering computational thinking in mathematics education is concentrated at the elementary and junior high school. To optimize the development of computational thinking in mathematics, teachers should be reminded of strategies to support students, particularly through activities involving simulations using various instructional media. Examples of such media include programming platforms, visualization tools, and interactive simulations and games. Number operations and geometry are the mathematical content most widely used for fostering computational thinking. Algorithmic thinking, a crucial component in fostering computational thinking among elementary school students, helps them develop a strong foundation for understanding higher mathematical concepts. Conclusion: A systematic review of computational thinking in learning mathematics at the various education level is conducted in this study. The chosen studies were systematically analyzed for the advancement of computational thinking in learning mathematics to provide new an insight information for educators and stakeholders.        


Keywords: computational thinking, mathematics, systematic literature review.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpmipa/v25i1.pp34-52

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