Gaya Kepemimpinan Path-Goal Theory Kepala Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus Di SMPN Satu Atap 1 Tulang Bawang Barat)

Rohimin Rohimin, Bujang Rahman, Hasan Hariri, Dayu Rika Perdana


This study aims to describe the principal's path-goal theory leadership style to improve teacher performance at SMPN Satu Atap 1 Tulang Bawang Barat. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the type and design of case study research. Data collection techniques used include interviews, observations, and document studies. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, drawing conclusions, and verifying data. The results showed that: 1) The principal's directive leadership behavior in the aspect of providing information and supervision has been carried out properly, but the aspects of providing direction, guidance, and coordination still need to be improved again. 2) The principal's supportive leadership behavior in the aspect of creating a family atmosphere has been implemented well, but the aspects of setting work guidelines, supervising learning, providing solutions, and support to teachers need to be improved again. 3) The principal's participative leadership behavior in the aspect of cooperating and discussion activities with school residents has been carried out well, but the aspects of participation and communication between school citizens still need to be improved again. 4) The principal's achievement-oriented leadership behavior in the aspects of career development, work competence, rewards, special attention, and being an example for school residents still need to be improved. The findings show that the principal's path-goal theory leadership style at SMPN Satu Atap 1 Tulang Bawang Barat is dominated by directive and participative leadership behavior. The principal has been able to provide information related to teacher performance procedures, supervision of teacher performance, cooperation, and discussion with school residents.

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