cycle consists of four stages: (a) planning, (b) implementation, (c) observation, and
(d) reflection. Data collection techniques in this study is observation and tests, data
collection tools in this study using the observation sheet and test question. Technical
analysis of the data in this study using qualitative analysis and quantitative data.
Results of this study indicate that the use of cooperative learning models talking stick
type can increase the activity and student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the
average percentage of student learning activities in the first cycle (65.28%) in the
category is quite active, and the second cycle (85.41%) is very active, with an
increase from cycle I to cycle II (20.13 %). While the average value of the
performance of teachers in the first cycle (68.21) in the category quite well, the
second cycle (87.5) is very good. Thoroughness of student learning outcomes in the
first cycle of 53.06 then increased to 85.28 at the end of the second cycle, with an
increase from cycle I to cycle II (55.55).
Keywords: Cooperative learning talking stick type, activity and learning outcomes.
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