E-government Program Implementation in Public Elementary Schools in Sorsogon, Philippines
Abstract: E-government Program Implementation in Public Elementary Schools in Sorsogon, Philippines. Objectives: This study determined the e-government programs, extent, and challenges in Public Elementary Schools in Sorsogon, Philippines. Methods: This study utilized the mixed-methods sequential-explanatory design in which the major design is quantitative and minor is qualitative research where one thousand elementary teachers and sixty-eight elementary school heads at Sorsogon West Ditrict, Sorsogon City, Philippines were selected using stratified random (percentage) sampling. Data was collected through document analysis, survey questionnaire, and unstructured interviews. Findings: The results revealed that first, there were various e-government programs implemented across the identified variables in the study, second, the e-government programs are well-implemented, third, the school heads and teachers experienced challenges in the implementation of the programs, and fourth, a strategic plan will help strengthen and enhance the e-government programs implementation. Conclusion: Determining the extent of implementation of e-government programs and factors affecting its implementation provides basis to further develop and strategically improve its implementation.
Keywords: e-government, strategic plan, public elementary school
Abstrak: Implementasi Program E-government di Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Sorsogon, Filipina. Tujuan: Studi ini menentukan program, jangkauan, dan tantangan e-government di Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Sorsogon, Filipina. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain sequential-explanatory mixed-methods dimana desain mayornya adalah kuantitatif dan minor adalah penelitian kualitatif dimana seribu guru SD dan enam puluh delapan kepala sekolah dasar di Sorsogon West Ditrict, Sorsogon City, Filipina dipilih menggunakan stratified pengambilan sampel acak (persentase). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui analisis dokumen, kuesioner survei, dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Temuan: Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa pertama, ada berbagai program e-government yang diterapkan di seluruh variabel yang diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini, kedua program e-government dilaksanakan dengan baik, ketiga, kepala sekolah dan guru mengalami tantangan dalam pelaksanaan program, dan keempat, rencana strategis akan membantu memperkuat dan meningkatkan implementasi program e-government. Kesimpulan: Menentukan sejauh mana implementasi program e-government dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasinya memberikan dasar untuk lebih mengembangkan dan meningkatkan implementasinya secara strategis.
Kata kunci: e-government, rencana strategis, sekolah dasar negeri.
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