Effectiveness of Modular Approach in Teaching Primary Grades Amidst Pandemic Education
Objectives: This study determined the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching primary grades amidst pandemic education. Specifically, this investigated the profile of the primary grade teachers, level of effectiveness of modular approach in teaching primary grades and the suggestions to enhance the implementation of printed modular learning amidst pandemic education. Methods: Descriptive survey research design was used which described data gathered through survey using questionnaire with 5-point Likert Scale on the topic under study. Data were tabulated and appropriately treated using frequency count, percentage and weighted mean. These provided the most fit way of analysis and interpretation of the research data. Findings: An over-all weighted mean of 3.53 for the level of effectiveness on modular approach in teaching primary grades amidst pandemic education was computed.Conclusion: The primary grades teachers were dominated by female teachers. A high effectiveness on modular approach in teaching Grades 1,2 and 3 learners was achieved. There were also various suggestions to enhance the implementation of printed modular learning amidst pandemic education.
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