Optimization of Social Support in Physical Education Learning to Strengthen Students Social Self-Esteem

Jusuf Blegur, Christin Prima Mery Rajagukguk, Andreas Johanis Fredik Lumba, Renya Rosari


Abstract Optimization of Social Support in Physical Education Learning to Strengthen Students Social Self-Esteem. Objectives This study aims to test the determination of teacher and classmate support for students social self-esteem. Methods The participants were 94 junior high school students grade 7 (M = 12.7660 SD is equal to 0.53733). We collected the data using The Teacher and Classmate Support Scale and Social Self-Esteem Inventory. Data were analyzed descriptively and the t-test. Findings The results of teacher and classmate support and students social self-esteem variables show positive results, as well as proving that teacher and classmate support affects students social self-esteem during physical education learning activities. Conclusion The presence of teachers in the learning class is necessary to provide social, emotional, and cognitive support to students so that they become more confident in performing their abilities and also feel comfortable with every performance they produce in some learning experiences and expressive learning cultures.

Keywords social support, teacher support, classmate support, students social self-esteem.

Abstrak Optimalisasi Dukungan Sosial dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani untuk Menguatkan Harga Diri Sosial Siswa. Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji determinasi dukungan guru dan sejawat terhadap harga diri sosial siswa. Metode Partisipan sebanyak 94 siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas 7 (M sama dengan 12,7660 SD sama dengan 0,53733). Kami mengumpulkan menggunakan The Teacher and Classmate Support Scale dan Social Self-Esteem Inventory. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan uji t. Temuan Hasil variabel dukungan guru dan sejawat dan harga diri sosial siswa menunjukkan hasil yang baik, sekaligus membuktikkan bahwa dukungan guru dan sejawat mempengaruhi harga diri sosial siswa selama aktivitas belajar pendidikan jasmani. Kesimpulan Penting untuk guru hadir dalam kelas belajar untuk memberikan dukungan sosial, emosional, maupun kognitif kepada siswa agar mereka lebih percaya terhadap kemampuan mereka sekaligus merasa nyaman atas setiap performa yang mereka hasilkan melalui pengalaman belajar tertentu dan kultur belajar yang ekspresif.

Kata kunci dukungan sosial, dukungan guru, dukungan sejawat, harga diri sosial siswa.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.202105

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