Students Satisfaction on School Services in a State College in the Philippines

Mark Erana Patalinghug, Joan Hortilano, Ernil Repaso, Angel Mollona, Haidee Fuentes Patalinghug


Abstract Students Satisfaction on School Services in a State College in the Philippines. Objective This study was purposely conducted to determine the satisfaction level of Bachelor of Science in Criminology students on the school services offered in J.H. Cerilles State College (JHCSC), Philippines in 2019. Methods This is a descriptive type of research utilizing a modified-validated questionnaire from the working guide of the accreditors in the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP). Frequency Counts, Percentage, and Weighted Average Mean were used in analyzing the data. Total enumeration was used as the sampling methodology. A total of 152 criminology students were identified as the respondents of the study. Findings Results show that library and guidance services have the highest level of satisfaction rating while school canteen and criminology laboratory have the lowest students satisfaction. Conclusion The students were satisfied with the services offered by those offices that directly attended to their academic and emotional needs.

Keywords students satisfaction, school services, services quality, higher education institution.

Abstrak Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Layanan Sekolah di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Filipina. Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa S1 Kriminologi terhadap layanan sekolah yang ditawarkan di J.H. Cerilles State College (JHCSC), Filipina pada tahun 2019. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dimodifikasi-validasi dari pedoman kerja para akreditor di Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP). Frekuensi Hitung, Persentase, dan Rata-rata Tertimbang digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Metode pencacahan total digunakan sebagai metode pengambilan sampel. Sebanyak 152 mahasiswa jurusan kriminologi diidentifikasi sebagai responden penelitian. Temuan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa layanan perpustakaan dan bimbingan memiliki tingkat kepuasan tertinggi sedangkan kantin sekolah dan laboratorium kriminologi memiliki kepuasan siswa terendah. Kesimpulan Para siswa puas dengan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh kantor-kantor yang secara langsung memenuhi kebutuhan akademik dan emosional mereka.

Kata kunci kepuasan mahasiswa, pelayanan sekolah, kualitas layanan, institusi pendidikan tinggi.



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