History Learning through Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Teachers and Students Respond

Jamiludin Jamiludin, Darnawati Darnawati


Abstract History Learning through Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Teachers and Students Respond. Objectives this study aims to know history learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic, know the teachers and students respond, and see the e-learning applications that are most often used and how do students respond to use the application. Methods this research used a mixed-method approach. Findings this study showed that history learning experienced differences, and there were also similarities in understanding. The difference was that initially, the teacher used face-to-face learning methods, then online learning changes that rely on internet-based applications. Not having facilities such as smartphones, laptops, and internet networks that did not support learning, made some students unactive. 55.6 percent of history teachers chose Google Classroom, and 44.4 percent selected WhatsApp as an e-learning application in teaching. Conclusion history teachers and students faced some challenges through online learning but they still can conduct the teaching and learning process.

Keywords History Learning, Online Learning, COVID-19, E-learning Applications


Abstrak Pembelajaran Sejarah melalui Pembelajaran Online Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Respon Guru dan Siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran sejarah selama pandemi COVID-19, mengetahui respon guru dan siswa, serta melihat aplikasi e-learning yang paling sering digunakan dan bagaimana respon siswa dalam menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran sejarah mengalami perbedaan, dan terdapat kesamaan pemahaman. Perbedaannya, pada awalnya guru menggunakan metode pembelajaran tatap muka, kemudian perubahan pembelajaran online yang mengandalkan aplikasi berbasis internet. Tidak adanya fasilitas seperti smartphone, laptop, dan jaringan internet yang tidak mendukung pembelajaran membuat sebagian siswa tidak aktif. 55,6 persen guru sejarah memilih Google Kelas, dan 44,4 persen memilih WhatsApp sebagai aplikasi e-learning. Kesimpulan guru dan siswa sejarah menghadapi beberapa tantangan melalui pembelajaran online tetapi mereka tetap dapat melakukan proses belajar mengajar.

Kata Kunci Pembelajaran Sejarah, Pembelajaran Online, COVID-19, Aplikasi E-learning.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i1.202102

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