How Indonesian Primary Teacher Motivate and Trains Critical Thinking Skills during Pandemic A Phenomenological Study
Abstract How Indonesian Primary Teacher Motivate and Trains Critical Thinking Skills during Pandemic A Phenomenological Study. Objective This research aims to describe how teachers motivate and train critical thinking skills during the pandemic. Method This research was a qualitative study with phenomenological type. The data were collected with a phone-call interview. It was then followed up with a WhatsApp-Group discussion of fifteen primary school teachers at a higher level class in Dawe district, Kudus Municipality, Central Java, Indonesia. The interview data were then reduced and presented in the table. Then, they were searched for the sub-themes. The applied analysis was done with Bogdan and Biklens stages, consisting of reducing, finding the themes, and connecting the sub-themes. Finding The interview result analysis resulted in five themes of motivation aspect and three themes dealing with critical thinking skill training. Conclusion The obtained findings showed that teachers could improve the learners learning motivation during the pandemic. However, they could not train the critical thinking skills due to various limitations.
Keywords critical thinking skill, learning motivation, pandemic.
Abstrak Bagaimana Guru SD Indonesia Memotivasi dan Melatihkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis di Masa Pandemi Suatu Studi Fenomenologi. Tujuan Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana cara guru dalam melatihkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan memotivasi siswa dalam belajar di masa pandemi. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif jenis fenomenologi. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara melalui telepon dengan dilengkapi group diskusi melalui whatapp dengan partisipan 15 guru SD kelas tinggi di kecamatan Dawe, Kabupaten Kudus, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Data hasil wawancara kemudian direduksi, yang selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan dicari sub-temanya. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan tahapan Bogdan dan Biklen yang meliputi reduksi, mencari tema dan menghubungkan antar subtema. Temuan Hasil analisis wawancara ditemukan 5 tema pada menumbuhkan motivasi dan 3 tema untuk melatihkan berpikir kritis. Kesimpulan Hasil penelitian didatapkan kesimpulan bahwa di masa pandemic guru dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, namun guru belum dapat membelajarkan berpikir kritis karena adanya berbagai hambatan.
Kata kunci berpikir kritis, motivasi belajar, pandemi.
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