The Students Writing Ability and Their Learning Attitude Taught by Draw Label and Caption Technique in Indonesia
Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan tehnik belajar Draw LabelCaption yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa dalam teks deskriptif.Peneliti melakukan beberapa tehnik analisis data; menandai siswa, menilai hasil siswa olehdua penilai, t-test, deskripsi statistik tentang sikap belajar siswa dan kalibrasi. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai siswa di pra siklus adalah 58.21, pada siklus 1 adalah63.38, dan pada siklus 2 adalah 74.68. Sikap belajar siswa juga menunjukkan kemajuanditandai dengan bertambahnya minat belajar siswa menggunakan model belajar DLC.Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan menulis siswa dalamteks deskriptif meningkat dan mencapai target nilai yang diharapkan.
This research investigated about the implementation of Draw Labeland Caption (DLC) to improve the students ability in writing descriptive text. The researcher usedthe following data analysis technique; coding the students, rating their works with two raters, and t-test, descriptive statistics of learning attitude and calibration. The result showed that the studentsaverage score in pre-liminary was 58.21, in cycle-1 was 63.38, and in cycle-2 was 74.68. Thestudents attitude was improved marked with the increasing number of students who liked the DLCmodel of teaching.Upon this research it can be concluded that the students ability in writing descriptivetext is improved and reached the target of score.
Keywords: DLC, descriptive text, CAR.
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