Studi Investigasi Hubungan Antara Metakognisi, Self-regulasi dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

Diah Utaminingsih


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among metacognition, self-regulation, and learning motivation. The sample of study consists of 130 secondary education students who were enrolled in different programs at Bandar Lampung, in Lampung. In this study, Metacognitive Learning Inventory-Science Scale adapted from An & Co (2014) was used. The relationships among metacognition (a), self-regulation (b), and learning motivation (c) were examined using correlation analysis and the hypothesis model was examined using multiple regression analysis. In correlation analysis, metacognition, and self-regulation were found positively (respectively r (a-b)=0,430; r(a-c)=0,584;r(b-c)=0,497;p<0,01). According to results metacognition was predicted positively by self-regulation and learning motivation (respectively R2(a-b)=18,5%; R2(a-c)=34,1%; R2(a-c)=34,1%; R2(b-c)=24,1%)

Studi investigasi hubungan antara metakognisi, self-regulasi dan motivasi belajar siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara metakognisi, self-regulasi, dan motivasi belajar siswa. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 130 siswa pendidikan menengah yang terdaftar dalam program yang berbeda di Bandar Lampung, Lampung. Dalam studi ini, Skala Metacognitive Learning Inventory-Science diadaptasi dari An & Co (2014). Hubungan antara metakognisi (a), self-regulation (b), dan motivasi belajar (c) diuji menggunakan analisis korelasi dan hipotesis diuji menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Dalam analisis korelasi, metakognisi, dan self-regulasi berkorelasi secara positif (masing-masing r(a-b)=0.430; r(a-c)=0,584; r(b-c)=0,497; p<0,01). Melalui analisis hasil metakognisi, dapat diprediksi secara positif melalui self-regulasi dan motivasi belajar (masing-masing R2(a-b)=18,5%; R29a-c)=34,1%; R2(b-c)=24,1%).

Kata kunci: metakognisi, self-regulation, motivasi belajar



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