Dedy H Karwan, Hasan Hariri, Riswanti Rini


This study aims to analyze the issues of dual system education in public vocational high schools (SMKN 1 and SMKN 4) Bandar Lampung focusing on the quality of dual system education management implementation through qualitative research approach. Research results show that both schools have already performed management functions including planning, implementation, and evaluation. However, the implementation phase in business and industry experienced several problems to be solved by coordination during industry work practices. Therefore, in order for quality and relevance of the public vocational high school graduates through dual system education can be achieved, the vocational high schools in Bandar Lampung need to build intensive cooperation
among the stakeholders as partners in implementing dual system education.

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis masalah PSG di SMKN 1 dan SMKN 4 Bandar Lampung dengan berfokus pada kualitas implementasi manajemen PSG dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua sekolah tersebut sudah melakukan fungsi-fungsi manajemen yang meliputi: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Akan tetapi, pada tahap pelaksanaan di dunia usaha dan industri, masih terdapat beberapa hambatan yang perlu dikoordinasikan pada saat praktek kerja industri. Oleh karena itu, agar mutu dan relevansi tamatan SMK melalui PSG SMK dapat terwujud, SMK di Bandar Lampung masih memerlukan kerjasama secara intensif bersama pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) sebagai mitra dalam implementasi PSG.

Kata kunci: manajemen, pendidikan sistem ganda, kualitas lulusan

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