Development of e Module in Learning Ecosystem to Foster Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students

Sri Lesnawati Lalusu, Masra Latjompoh, Dewi Wahyuni Baderan


Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a flipped classroom based e module through validity, practicality, and effectiveness test. The method employed in this study is research and development (R and D) with several steps undergone i.e. planning, product development, validity test, revision, and small- and big-scales try out. The result of this study revealed that the e-module had been very valid based on the input given by the content and media experts with approximate score 91.76 percent to 98.40 percent. The practicality on teacher’s and students activity for the whole meeting reached the approximate score 84.44 percent to 98.10percent which is very practical. Students’ response on the response on the questionnaire reached the highest score as big as 94.07 percent which was very good. On the effectiveness test, there was an increase on students solo taxonomy level. It can be seen from the pre-test which was initially on the pre-structural (59.17 percent) and uni-structural (40.83 percent) level elevated to the multi-structural (85 percent) and relational (12.50 percent) level during the post-test. The evaluation on the mockup product, the range score on each group is around 83.53 to 90.59 which is very good. It can be concluded that the flipped-classroom based e module had fulfilled the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness to foster students thinking skill in SMP Islam Pagimana.

Keywords e-modul, flipped classroom, ecosystem, thinking skills.

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian yaitu melakukan pengembangan e-modul berbasis flipped classroom melalui uji validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas. Metode penelitian berupa metode Research and Development (R dan D) dengan tahapan perencanaan, pengembangan produk, uji validitas, revisi, dan uji coba lapangan terbatas dan luas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-modul memenuhi kriteria sangat valid oleh ahli materi dan ahli media dengan kisaran 91,76 persen hingga 98,40 persen. Uji kepraktisan pada aktivitas guru dan siswa pada semua pertemuan berkisar antara 84,44 persen hingga 98,10 persen dengan kategori sangat praktis. Respon siswa hasil angket tertinggi sebesar 94,07 persen dengan kategori sangat baik. Pada uji efektivitas, terjadi peningkatan level taksonomi solo siswa dari pretest di level prestructural (59,17 persen) dan unistructural (40,83 persen) meningkat pada posttest di level multistructural (85 persen) dan relational (12,50 persen). Untuk penilaian produk maket, rentang nilai pada setiap kelompok berkisar antara 83,53 hingga 90,59 dengan kategori sangat baik. Kesimpulannya bahwa e-modul berbasis flipped classroom memenuhi kriteri validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir siswa SMP Islam Pagimana.

Kata kunci e modul, flipped classroom, ekosistem, kemampuan berpikir.


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