Development of The Performance Assessment Based on Cassava Peel Waste Project to Measure Creative Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students
Abstract: This study aims to develop a performance assessment based on the cassava peel waste processing project. This research uses methods of research and development 4D models which are only carried out until the stage of develop. At the define stage, a literature study and a preliminary study are carried out. At the design stage, planning and preparation of the initial draft are carried out in the form of performance assessments. In the develop stage, two science education experts validated the suitability of the content and construction of the performance assessment instrument to Torrance’s framework of indicators creative thinking skills. The product of the validation results was then responded to the suitability of the content and construction aspects of the indicators of creative thinking skills by three science teachers. The results of expert validation and teacher responses indicate that the performance assessment instrument product is very suitable to be used to assess student performance in integrated science learning based on cassava peel waste treatment projects.
Keywords: performance assessment, cassava peel waste project, creative thinking skills.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrument asesmen kinerja berbasis proyek pengolahan limbah kulit singkong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan model 4D yang hanya dilakukan sampai tahap develop. Pada tahap define dilakukan studi literatur dan studi pendahuluan. Pada tahap desain, dilakukan perencanaan dan penyusunan draft awal dalam bentuk asesmen kinerja. Pada tahap develop, dua orang ahli Pendidikan IPA memvalidasi kesesuaian isi dan konstruksi instrumen asesmen kinerja terhadap indikator keterampilan berpikir kreatif Frame Work Torrance. Produk hasil validasi selanjutnya direspon aspek kesesuaian isi dan konstruksinya terhadap indikator keterampilan berpikir kreatif oleh tiga orang guru IPA. Hasil validasi ahli dan tanggapan guru menunjukkan bahwa produk instrumen asesmen kinerja sangat layak digunakan untuk menilai kinerja siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA terpadu berbasis proyek pengolahan limbah kulit singkong.
Kata kunci: asesmen kinerja, proyek limbah kulit singkong, keterampilan berpikir kreatif.
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