Assessment of the ICT Integration in Teaching Math and Science in High School Basis for an ICT Integration Program
Abstract: This descriptive study assessed the information and communications technology (ICT) integration in teaching Math and Science, and identified issues affecting technology integration. Nine Math teachers, and eight Science teachers was chosen as participant in this study. A survey instrument with Likert five point scale was developed to explore participants’ perceptions towards ICT integration in teaching math and science in high school. The results showed that the status of technology integration in Math and Science is well-implemented. However, teachers needed time to plan and prepare technology-based instructional materials and update their skills in technology and pedagogy. They also needed to be supervised closely through feedback and mentoring. In terms of professional advancement, they needed to be updated and trained on curriculum development, pedagogy, and technology. Equipment and facilities needed to be increased, improved, and maintained, most especially the internet connection. It can be concluded that curriculum and instruction including faculty are greatly dependent on supervision, professional development, and equipment and facilities. The aforementioned three areas are well-implemented which made curriculum and instruction, and faculty extensively implemented.
Keywords: ICT integration program, teaching math and science, high school.
Abstrak: Studi deskriptif ini menilai integrasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam pengajaran Matematika dan Sains, dan mengidentifikasi masalah yang mempengaruhi integrasi teknologi. Sembilan guru Matematika, dan delapan guru Sains dipilih sebagai peserta dalam penelitian ini. Instrumen survei dengan skala poin Likert-lima dikembangkan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi peserta terhadap integrasi TIK dalam pengajaran matematika dan sains di SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi integrasi teknologi dalam Matematika dan Sains dilaksanakan dengan baik. Namun, guru membutuhkan waktu untuk merencanakan dan menyiapkan bahan ajar berbasis teknologi dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam teknologi dan pedagogi. Mereka juga perlu diawasi secara ketat melalui umpan balik dan bimbingan. Dalam hal kemajuan profesional, keterampilan perlu diperbarui dan dilatih tentang pengembangan kurikulum, pedagogi, dan teknologi. Peralatan dan fasilitas perlu ditingkatkan, diperbaiki, dan dipelihara, terutama koneksi internet. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kurikulum dan pembelajaran termasuk fakultas sangat bergantung pada supervisi, pengembangan profesional, serta peralatan dan fasilitas. Ketiga hal tersebut diimplementasikan dengan baik sehingga kurikulum dan pengajaran, dan fakultas dapat diterapkan secara luas.
Kata kunci: program integrasi TIK, pengajaran matematika dan sains, SMA.
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