Kategori dan Peran Sintaksis Kata Galak dalam Bahasa Melayu Palembang

Laily Adha Intan Putri, Wagiati Wagiati, Puspa Mirani Kadir


This research aims to analyze categories and the role of syntax of galak in Palembang language. The theory used is syntactic theory by Chaer (2009). Data source from the YouTube channel Pal TV Entertainment. The research method is descriptive cualitative. Data collection uses the observation method with close-knit techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the matching method. Data is presented informally and accompanied by translation in Indonesian. In Kamus Palembang-Indonesia, galak as verb means mau and sering. The results of the research show that (1) the meaning of galak in Palembang language are mau, sering, and suka; (2) syntactic categories of galak are adverb and verb; (3) galak as adverb that accompanies the verb has the role of action and quantity, galak as adverb that accompanies the adjective has the role of condition, and galak as verb has the role of action.

Keywords: Palembang Malay, Syntactic Function, Syntactic Role

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960%2Faksara%2Fv25i1.pp171-184


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