Development of Chemical Literacy Test Instruments on Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solution Topic
This study aims to develop items about chemical literacy in electrolyte solution materials and nonelectrolyte solutions. This research applies research and development methods with ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Instrument trial samples of 135 students of class XI and XII of one of the public high schools in Pasuruan Regency with the criteria of having received learning on electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution topic. Content validation by expert validators shows an average value of 95% so it is categorized as excellent. The results of empirical validity showed the result that 25 questions were declared valid with a cronbach alpha value of 0.797 with a very high degree of consistency. Furthermore, the differentiation of all question items is stated to be very good with 3 questions categorized as difficult and 22 questions categorized as moderate.
Keywords: Assessment instruments, chemical literacy, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions.
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