Identification of The Learning Obstacles in Redox Reaction Concept of The Senior High School Students

Rizky Brehna Putri, Herwantono Herwantono


This study aims to obtain an overview of the characteristics of learning obstacles that can be identified in the redox reaction concept of high school students. This study uses a descriptive method with research data obtained from student test results. The instruments used are description tests, interviews and documentation about the concept of redox reactions. This research was conducted at the UPI Percontohan High School with the subject as many as 30 high school students of Class XI Science who have studied the concept of redox reactions. The findings show the characteristics of students' learning barriers in redox reactions, namely students have not been able to analyze redox reaction materials based on the involvement of oxygen and electron transfer as much as 80.64% , students are incorrect analyzing redox reaction materials based on changes in oxidation numbers as much as 61.29%, students are incorrect determining the oxidation number of atoms in molecules as much as 61.29%, students are incorrect determining the oxidation number of atoms in ions as much as 35.48%, students have not been able to determine redox reactions based on oxidation numbers as much as 25.8%, and students are incorrect to analyzing oxidizing and reducing agent in the redox reaction as much as 38.7% .

Keywords: Obstacle study, learning obstacles, reaction redox 



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