Fajar Swasono, Agus Suyatna, Feriansyah Sesunan


The purpose of this research to make convertion energy props and LKS. The method of this research was the research and development. The model of development was needed include: the students, the analysis and the characteristic of formularization the purpose of learning, the formularization drafting instrument evaluation, the grain of the matter write the specifications product development, the media in the form of initial products, the validation an expert, the trial of a fieldwork, and the final product in the form of props energy conversion equipped with LKS. The test results showed masterful props in accordance with theory and used as props are worth learning. The field test results had shown the props and LKS effectively had used as media of instruction either independently or in groups. Testing stage one by one and small group, indicates the quality of the props energy conversion: very interesting, very easy to use, and very helpful.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini meghasilkan alat konversi energi beserta LKSnya. Metodenya research and development atau penelitian dan pengembangan. Pengembangan alat peraga ini meliputi: analisis kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa, perumusan tujuan pembelajaran, perumusan butir-butir materi, penyusunan instrumen evaluasi, penulisan naskah media berupa spesifikasi pengembangan produk, produk awal, validasi ahli, uji coba lapangan, dan produk akhir berupa alat peraga konversi energi dilengkapi dengan LKS. Hasil uji ahli menunjukkan alat peraga sesuai teori dan layak digunakan sebagai alat peraga. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukan alat peraga dan LKS efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran baik secara mandiri atau berkelompok. Uji satu lawan satu dan kelompok kecil menunjukkan kualitas alat peraga konversi energi: sangat menarik, sangat mudah digunakan, dan sangat bermanfaat.

Kata kunci: penelitian pengembangan, alat peraga dan LKS perubahan energi.

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