I Wayan Adinata, Nengah Maharta, I Dewa Putu Nyeneng


This study aim were to determine (1) the characteristics of learning physics-based comic graphic design (2) the attractiveness, usefulness, and the ease of learning physics-based on comic graphic design (3) The effectiveness of learning physics-based on comic graphic design. The development procedures included the analysis of the needs, objectives, subject matter, synopsis, early script, prototype production, evaluation, revision, the final draft, the trial, and the final comic. Results from this study were (1) it is produced the characteristic of comic-based graphic design and contains the Quantities and Units material for junior high school class VII, and it is presented by a picture in full color book format (2) it has the attractiveness score of 3.55 (very interesting),the ease scores of 3.48 (very easy),the expediency score of 3.57 (very useful).(3) Comic of physics learning is effective to be used by students has completed 80.65% of the set value, which is 72.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; (1) Karakteristik komik pembelajaran fisika berbasis desain grafis; (2) Kemenarikan, kemanfaatan, dan kemudahan komik pembelajaran fisika berbasis desain grafis; (3) Keefektifan komik pembelajaran fisika berbasis desain grafis. Prosedur pengembangan tersebut meliputi analisis kebutuhan, tujuan, pokok materi, sinopsis, naskah awal, produksi prototipe, evaluasi, revisi, naskah akhir, uji coba, komik final. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu; (1) menghasilkan komik yang memiliki karakteristik berbasis desain grafis, dan berisi materi Besaran dan Satuan SMP kelas VII SMP, dan disajikan dengan gambar dalam bentuk buku full color; (2) Komik yang dikembangkan memiliki skor kemenarikan 3,55 (sangat menarik), skor kemudahan 3,48 (sangat mudah), skor kemanfaatan 3,57 (sangat bermanfaat); (3) Komik pembelajaran fisika dikatakan efektif untuk digunakan karena 80,65% siswa telah tuntas dari KKM, yaitu 72.

Kata kunci: Berbasis Desain Grafis, Pengembangan, Komik

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