Septina Usman, Pramudiyanti Pramudiyanti, Rini Rita T Marpaung


This study aimed to compare the effect of applying the method demonstration with practical methods to increase cognitive and affective learning outcomes of students. Design of this research was a pretest - posttest non equivalent. Samples of research were student of class VIIC and VIID  selected by cluster random sampling. The research data was quantitative data obtained from the average value of the results of the cognitive and affective aspects of learning then statistically analyzed using t-test and test U. The results showed that the practical application of methods to increase learning outcomes rather than methods of demonstration, with an average pretest score (-1.30), the value of post-test (5.29), and N-gain (8.37).  While improving student learning outcomes in the affective methods practicum occurs in all aspects of the craft aspect percentage value (82.09%); the activity (83.11%); the courtesy (78.38%), the ability to express opinions (78.72%) and the aspects of cooperation with friends (75.00%).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengaruh penerapan metode demonstrasi dengan metode praktikum terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif dan afektif siswa. Desain penelitian adalah pretes-postes tak ekuivalen. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIIC dan VIID yang dipilih secara cluster random sampling. Data penelitian berupa data kuatitatif diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata hasil belajar aspek kognitif dan afektif kemudian dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji-t dan uji U. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada penerapan metode praktikum hasil belajar mengalami peningkatan daripada metode demonstrasi, dengan rata-rata nilai pretes (-1,30); nilai post test (5,29); dan N-gain (8,37). Sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar afektif siswa pada metode praktikum terjadi dalam semua aspek dengan persentase pada aspek kerajinan bernilai (82,09%); keaktifan (83,11%); kesopanan (78,38%); kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat (78,72%) dan aspek bekerjasama dengan teman (75,00%).

Kata kunci :  hasil belajar, metode demonstrasi, metode praktikum, penggunaan mikroskop

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