Psychological factors affecting English speaking skills

Windi Tri Apriyani, Dewi Syafitri


Speaking is one of hard skill that should be mastered by students in English. But, in reality not all students can master it. There are several factors that influence students in the process of learning speaking, one of which is psychological factors. This study aims to find psychological factors that affect students' English speaking skills. The method used in this study is through a literature study in which the researcher collects the data in the form of books, articles, journals to develop this study. The results of this study indicate psychological factors can affect students' speaking in English, including anxiety, fear of mistakes, lack of confidence, lack of motivation, and shyness. In conclusion, the teacher has an important role in helping students; such as the teacher should be aware of students’ Psychological speaking problems to develop their speaking skills and motivating them to build their confidence and making the comfortable speaking class to improve their speaking skill.

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