The use of Short Animated Stories to improve students' writing in Narrative text at SMP N 3 Natar

Tri Agustin, Cucu Sutarsyah, Huzairin Huzairin


This study aimed to find out whether there is a significant difference in students writing narrative text after being taught through using short animated stories and to find out which aspect of writing skill that improves after being taught by using short animated stories and to investigate what is the students response after being taught through using short animated stories. The sample of this research was VIII B at SMP N 3 Natar. The writing test and questionnaire were administered as the instrument of this research. The data were analyzed by using a repeated measure t-test in which the significance was determined by p<0,005. The result showed that the students mean score in the pretest 52.26 while in the posttest mean score was 64.17 in which t-value>t-table (27.814>2.074) or sig p<0.05 (0.000<0.05). Furthermore, organization (3.41) was the aspect of writing that was improved by students. Besides, the result of questionnaires showed that most students (78.3%) gave positive responses toward the implementation of short animated stories in writing narrative text. Thus, it can be concluded that Short Animated Stories is effective to improve students writing narrative text.

Keywords: Short Animated Stories, Writing Skill, Narrative text



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