The influence of Think-Talk-Write toward students' descriptive writing achievement at the tenth graders

Syifa Kurnia Ramadhani, Muhammad Sukirlan, Lilis Sholihah


The objectives of this research were to investigate whether there is positive influence after the implementation of TTW toward students’ descriptive writing achievement and to describe how is students’ response after they are taught by TTW. This research was a quantitative research. The sample of this research was the tenth graders of senior high school students. The writing test which consists of pre-test and post-test was used as the research instrument. The data were analyzed by using Paired Sample T-Test to answer the first question and descriptive statistics was used to answer the second question. The result showed that there was statistically an improvement of students’ descriptive writing achievement of which the result was significant to 0.000 < 0.05. Moreover, the students gave positive response toward the implementation of TTW. It was proved by the result of the analysis of the questionnaire of where the students mostly chose agree and strongly agree. This research suggests that teaching writing descriptive text by using TTW can give positive influence and positive response toward students’ descriptive writing achievement.

Keyword: Think-Talk-Write (TTW), writing, descriptive text.


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