The implementation of Mind Mapping technique in teaching writing at the second grade of Junior High School 3 Trimurjo

Monica Salisa Rahmawanda, Flora Flora, Gita Hilmi Prakoso


The objectives of this research are to find out: 1) Whether there is any significant improvement of students’ writing ability of descriptive text after being taught through mind mapping technique, 2) Which aspect of writing improved the most after being taught by using mind mapping technique and 3) What is the students’ perception towards the implementation of mind mapping technique in descriptive text writing. This research was a quantitative research used a one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 23 students of class VIII A at SMP N 3 Trimurjo in 2019/2020 academic year. Writing tests and questionnaires were administered as the instrument of the research. The data were analyzed by using Paired Sample T-test in which the significance level was determined by p<0.05. The result of the research showed that the value of significant level was 0.00<0.05. It means that there was an improvement in students’ writing ability of descriptive text after the implementation of mind mapping technique and the aspect of writing that improved the most after the implementation of mind mapping technique was content. Furthermore, the result of questionnaires showed that most students (75.86%) gave positive towards the implementation of mind mapping technique in descriptive text writing. Most of the students agree that mind mapping technique can help them in composing writing, make them enjoyed and relaxed in composing writing, make them more interested and motivated in writing.  But, almost of them disagree that by using mind mapping technique, they do not have any difficulties to make writing anymore. It means that even they have positive perception towards the implementation of mind mapping technique in descriptive text writing, they still have another difficulty in composing it.

Keywords: mind mapping technique, writing ability, students’ perception


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Copyright (c) 2021 Monica Salisa Rahmawanda, Flora Naiggolan, Flora Naiggolan, Gita Hilmi Prakoso, Gita Hilmi Prakoso

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