Ferayani Ulrica, Flora Nainggolan, Mahpul Mahpul


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa selama interaksi dan menganalisis kesadaran siswa terhadap kesalahan didalam negosiasi makna.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa membuat kesalahan dalam grammar (74%), pronunciation (17%), dan vocabulary (9%). Hasilnya juga menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran siswa terhadap kesalahan didalam negosiasi makna rendah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya 16 ucapan yang tidak tepat (30%) bisa dikoreksi oleh siswa. Sisanya, 38 ucapan (70%) tidak dikoreksi karena siswa tidak sadar ada kesalahan yang dibuat oleh temannya pada saat interaksi. Dari kesalahan yang bisa dikoreksi, hanya 4 ucapan yang bisa menjadi input.Kebanyakan siswa tidak sadar atau tidak fokus terhadap kesalahan selama interaksi karena beberapa alasan, seperti siswa lebih fokus terhadap makna and siswa berada di profesiensi level yang sama.

The aims of this research were to find out the mistake that learners make during interaction and analyze the students awareness of mistakes in negotiation of meaning.The result of the research proved that the students made mistakes in grammar (74%), pronunciation (17%), and vocabulary (9%). The result showed the extend of students awareness in responding a mistake in negotiation of meaning was low. It could be sum that only 16 incorrect utterances (30%) could be corrected by the students. The rest, 38 utterances (70%) were not corrected because the students were not aware of the mistakes that made by their interlocutor.From the mistake that could be corrected, only 4 utterances became an input. Most students were not aware or did not pay attention on the mistake during interaction because of some reason, such as the learner focused on meaning and they were in the same proficiency level.

Keywords: awareness, mistake, negotiation of meaning.

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