Rochmiyati Rochmiyati


This study aims at developing and created of UAN instrument test which indicators based on BSNP, and the effect of performance teachers at Primary School which were work together on FGD Team to achievement scoring of UAN. This study is research and development was carried out in two phases: development, and implementation. Phase of development is development test as a product of FGD Team that were teachers on sixth grade Primary School and Supervisor as validation reviewer of product. Testing the validation of instrument test as a product on development phase is using content validity. Implementation phase is implementation of product test as instruments UAN to try out the students. The effectiveness validation for teachers performance was carried out by Value-Added Modeling (VAM). The results of research and development show that the product of instruments test which arranged by FGD Team were feasible to use for tryout of UAN. The result of analysis by Value-Added Modeling (VAM) show that performance of teachers at Primary School on FGD Team to achievement scoring of UAN are effective, indicate of the mean of achievement tests UAN and the ranking for all Primary School at every UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan are increased.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan dan menyusun soal UAN berdasarkan indikator-indikator yang disusun oleh BSNP dan mengetahui dampak kinerja guru Sekolah Dasar yang bekerjasama dalam Tim FGD terhadap skor hasil Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan melalui fase pengembangan dan fase penerapan. Fase pengembangan adalah pengembangan soal melalui Forum Group Discussion (FGD) guru kelas VI Sekolah Dasar dan satu orang Pengawas Sekolah sebagai reviewer validasi produk.Uji validasi soal produk pengembangan menggunakan validasi isi. Fase penerapan adalah penerapan produk soal sebagai instrumen latihan UAN siswa. Uji validasi efektifitas kinerja guru menggunakan Value-Added Modeling (VAM). Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa produk instrumen test UAN layak dapat digunakan untuk ujicoba UAN. Hasil analisis menggunakan Value-Added Modeling (VAM) menunjukkan bahwa kinerja guru melalui Forum Group Disccusion (FGD) mempunyai dampak sangat efektif hal ini ditunjukkan adanya peningkatan rata-rata hasil UAN dan ranking semua SD pada setiap Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Pendidikan Kecamatan meningkat.

Kata kunci: dampak kinerja guru, FGD, hasil UAN.


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