The effectiveness of the inclusive education model for students with special needs on cognitive learning achievement

Herpratiwi Herpratiwi


Abstract: The Effectiveness of the Inclusive Education Model for Students With Special Needs on Cognitive Learning Achievement. Objectives: This research aims to analyze the influence of the inclusive education model in the form of the regular class with additional instruction outside the classroom on cognitive learning achievement of elementary school students in Lampung Province. Methods: Samples consist of 35 fifth grade elementary school students which were randomly selected from a population of 245 out of seven schools in seven regencies in Lampung Province, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using the paired samples t-test at the significance level of 0.05 for all subjects. This research applied a quasi-experimental design. Findings: Value of t-count (6.249) for General Knowledge was greater than t-table at the significance level 0.05 which confirm the effectivity of the model. Conclusions: Inclusive education model had an effective influence on the learning achievement of students with special needs in the General Knowledge subject.

Keywords: Children with special needs, cognitive learning achievement, inclusive education model.

Abstrak: Keefektivan Model Pendidikan Inklusi Bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Kognitif. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh model pendidikan inklusif kelas reguler ditambah dengan bimbingan kelas luar terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif siswa sekolah dasar di Propinsi Lampung. Metode: Sampel sebanyak 35 siswa kelas 5 SD dipilih secara acak dari populasi 245 dari tujuh sekolah di tujuh kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan sampel berpasangan t-test. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimental. Temuan: Nilai t-hitung (6,249)untuk mata pelajaran umum lebih besar dari t-tabel yang menkonfirmasi efektifitas model. Kesimpulan: Model pendidikan inklusif memberikan pengaruh yang efektif pada prestasi belajar siswa berkebutuhan khusus pada mata pelajaran umum.

Kata kunci: anak berkebutuhan khusus, prestasi belajar kognitif, model pendidikan inklusif.



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