Journal title | : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak |
Initials | : JPA |
Frequency | : Bianually (April & November) |
Editor-in-chief | : Ari Sofia |
DOI Jurnal | : by ![]() |
Online ISSN | : 2580-9504 |
ISSN | : 2775-4367 |
OAI | : |
Publisher | : Program Studi PGPAUD Unila |
Citation Analysis | : Crossref, Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE |
Contact | : |

Jurnal Pendidikan Anak [P-ISSN 2775-4367 | E-ISSN 2580-9504] publishes research articles, reports field studies, the best practices and policies of early childhood learning in national and international stage. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak (JPA) published twice a year since 2016 (April and November), is a bilingual (Bahasa and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Early Childhood Education.
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak published articles through peer reviewed cover curriculum, child care programs, administration, teacher preparation, professional development, family-school relationships, social justice and equity issues, health and wellness, nutrition, facilities, special needs, infant/toddler programs, child development, advocacy, best practices in pedagogy, and more.
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak - since 2020 this journal has been working with the Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Indonesia [PPJ PAUD Indonesia]. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak has been a CrossRef Member. Therefore, since 2020 all articles published by Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini will have a unique DOI number.
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak indexed in Garuda, Crossref, Google Scholar, Moraref, Base, Mendeley, Dimensions, Neliti, Sinta 4.
Indexed By:
Vol 10, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Annisa Siregar, Heldanita Heldanita, Dewi Sri Suryanti, Fatimah Depi Susanti, Yossy Irawan, Salina bt Samaun, Farida Rohayani
Asih Budi Kurniawati, Afifah Qonita Agustina, Ulwan Syafrudin, Susanthi Pradini
Muhibbin Muhibbin, Rokyal Hardjanty