Shirtha El Rusyda, Ujang Suparman, Sudirman Sudirman


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis prestasi kosakata siswa setelah diajarkan melalui permainan pictionary, dan (2) mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan permainan pictionary dalam pengajaran kosakata. Data didapat melalui tes kosakata dan lembar observasi, dan diolah menggunakan Repeated Measures t-test. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata pretest adalah 65.15, dan nilai rata-rata posttest adalah 89.15. Kenaikan antara pretest dan posttest adalah 24. Siswa memperoleh kenaikan lebih besar pada noun daripada verb (25.7>21.5). t-value lebih besar daripada t-table (7.199>2.056). Ini berarti setelah penerapan permainan pictionary, ada perbedaan dan kenaikan prestasi kosakata siswa yang signifikan. Data observasi menunjukkan bahwa permainan pictionary membuat siswa menikmati proses belajar. Motivasi siswa bertambah; mereka bisa menjadi pemecah masalah, pelajar yang aktif dan independen; mereka bisa berguru dan belajar dari sesama teman, dan menciptakan interaksi yang baik dengan teman mereka.  


The purposes of the research were: (1) analyzing students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught by using Pictionary Game, and (2) describing the process of the implementation of Pictionary Game in teaching vocabulary. The data were collected by using vocabulary test and observation sheet, and were computed by using Repeated Measures t-test. The results showed that the mean score of the pretest was 65.15, and the mean score of the posttest was 89.15. The increase from pretest to posttest was 24 points. The students got higher increase in noun than verb (25.7>21.5). The t-value was higher than t-table (7.199>2.056). It means that after the implementation of Pictionary Game, there was a significant difference and increase of students’ vocabulary achievement. The observation-based data showed that Pictionary Game made the students enjoyed the learning process. The students’ motivation was boosted; they could be problem-solvers, active and independent learners; they could teach and learn from each other, and form a good interaction with their friends.


Keywords: game, pictionary, vocabulary.

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