The Effect of Implementing KWL and QAR Strategies on Students Reading Comprehension with Different Motivation

Yuli Anita Pakpahan, Cucu Sutarsyah, Tuntun Sinaga


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran KWL dan QAR terhadap motivasi siswa dalam membaca. Metode menggunakan rancangan desain faktorial 2x2. Populasi berjumlah 216 siswa, 72 siswa sebagai sampel dengan Random Sampling. Data menggunakan kuisioner motivasi dan tes membaca dengan ANAVA dua jalur. Hasil diperoleh: (1) hasil belajar membaca siswa yang menggunakan QAR= 85.33 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan KWL= 77.56, thitung 7.837 > ttabel = 1.67, (2) Hasil membaca siswa yang memiliki motivasi tinggi = 83.67 lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang memiliki motivasi rendah = 79.22, thitung 3.551 > ttabel = 1.67, dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi mengajar dan motivasi, Fobservasi = 4.670 > Ftabel = 3.98. Siswa bermotivasi tinggi memperoleh hasil lebih tinggi dengan KWL, sedangkan bermotivasi rendah mendapat nilai lebih tinggi dengan QAR.

This study was intended to examine the implementation of KWL and QAR strategies on students motivation in reading comprehension. The research used an experimental research with factorial design 2x2. The population was 216 students. The sample were 72 students with Random Sampling technique. The data were collected through motivation questionnaire and reading test and analyzed by using Two-Way ANOVA. The finding showed: (1) the students reading comprehension who were taught by QAR strategy was 85.33 higher than those who were taught by using KWL strategy was 77.56 with tcount = 7.837 > ttable = 1.67, (2) the students having high motivation was 83.67 higher than low motivation was 79.22 with tcount = 3.551 > ttable = 1.67 and (3) there was interaction between teaching strategies and motivation on students reading comprehension, Fobserved = 4.670 > Ftable = 3.98. The students having high motivation got higher scores if they were taught KWL strategy, while students having low motivation got higher scores if they were taught QAR strategy.

Keywords: KWL, QAR strategies, motivation, reading comprehension

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