Current learning approaches still fail to fully maximize students' potential, both physically and psychologically, to absorb more information, resulting in a lack of motivation to learn. One contributing factor is the educators' inaccuracy in selecting and using appropriate teaching strategies and methods. This research was conducted to examine the improvement in Qur'an and Hadith learning outcomes among fourth-grade students at MIN Medan through the Recitation Method. The analysis shows that the Qur'an and Hadith learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at MIN Medan prior to the implementation of the recitation method were relatively low, with an average score of 59.6. After the implementation of the recitation method, where students took turns individually or in groups answering questions directly given by the teacher, the students' learning outcomes improved. In the first cycle, the average score was 70.8, and in the second cycle, it rose to 88.8, indicating an improvement in their learning outcomes before and after the classroom action research using the recitation method. With a t-value of 6.20 and a t-table value for N-1 = 35-1 = 34 at α = 0.05 being 3.025, the t-value (6.20) > t-table value (3.025), empirically proving the research hypothesis.
Keywords: Resitasion Method, Learning outcomes.
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