Animation Videos as a Pre-writing Stimulus: A Quasi-Experimental Study on Secondary School Students in Medan-Indonesia
Abstract: Animation Videos as a Pre-writing Stimulus: A Quasi-Experimental Study on Secondary School Students in Medan-Indonesia. Objectives: This study aims to reassess the effectiveness of animation videos as a stimulus during pre-writing phase on tenth graders’ writing skills. Methods: Employing a quasi-experimental research design, the study applied t-test and effect size analysis within a quantitative approach. Through non-random sampling, two intact classess of 30 tenth graders each were assigned to the control and experimental groups. Pre- and post-tests, focusing on the ability to write a procedure text in the tips genre, were conducted to collect data. Findings: The research findings indicated a significant difference in the writing scores of tenth graders who underwent process writing with animation videos during pre-writing, compared to those without such intervention. Particularly noteworthy were substantial differences observed in the organization aspect, while the least difference was noted in language aspect. Conclusion: This study suggests the essential role of animation videos as a brainstorming stimulus in retrieving linguistic and topic knowledge for the students to effectively organize and communicate their ideas. Implications of these results for the involvement of animation videos during pre-writing in EFL settings are discussed.
Keywords: EFL writing; secondary Indonesian students; writing skills
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