Grow the Plant!: An Environmental-Themed Board Game as A Sustainable Living Learning Medium for Elementary School Students

Fika Khoirun Nisa, Fenty Fahminnansih`, Setya Putri Erdiana


Abstract: Grow the Plant!: An Environmental-Themed Board Game as A Sustainable Living Learning Medium for Elementary School Students. Objectives: This research aims to enhance awareness and understanding of sustainability issues through an enjoyable educational game at the UNESA Laboratory Elementary School. Methods: This research employs the Design Thinking method with qualitative data analysis. There were 20 participants aged 8-12 years who participated in answering the research questionnaire. Data is presented and described based on the percentages obtained from the questionnaire results. Findings: This research indicates that 90% of the users of the "Grow the Plant!" board game better understand the importance of plants for environmental sustainability and examples of actions in caring for plants in daily life. Conclusion: Through a board game approach, children can develop awareness and commitment to fostering a positive attitude towards the environment, stimulate their interest in plant cultivation, and provide a foundational understanding of the importance of sustainable living


Keywords: board game, sustainable living, elementary school.


Abstrak: Grow the Plant!: Papan Permainan Bertema Lingkungan sebagai Media Pembelajaran Kehidupan Berkelanjutan bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman mengenai isu-isu keberlanjutan melalui permainan edukatif yang menyenangkan di Sekolah Dasar Laboratorium UNESA, Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design Thinking dengan metode analisis data Kualitatif. Terdapat 20 peserta berumur 8-12 tahun yang berpartisipasi dalam menjawab kuesioner penelitian ini. Data disajikan dan dideskripsikan berdasarkan presentase yang diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner, Temuan: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 90% peserta pengguna papan permainan “Grow the Plant!” lebih memahami pentingnya tanaman untuk keberlanjutan lingkungan dan contoh tindakan dalam merawat tanaman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Kesimpulan: Melalui pendekatan permainan, anak-anak dapat membangun kesadaran dan komitmen dalam mengembangkan sikap positif terhadap lingkungan, merangsang minat mereka dalam menanam tanaman, serta memberikan dasar pemahaman mereka tentang pentingnya hidup berkelanjutan.


Kata kunci: papan permainan, kehidupan berkelanjutan, sekolah dasar


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