Students’ Career Anxiety: A Systematic Literature Review

Denisa Nurul Atikah, Farida Kurniawati, Tjut Rifameutia


Abstract: Students’ career anxiety: A systematic literature review. Career-related concerns are an issue even within student population. Previous researches have aimed to explore students’ career anxiety but there has not been any literature review that concludes these findings. Objectives: This study aims to systematically review existing researches to find out how career-related anxieties have been identified and what might predict them. Methods: From 780 articles found, 17 articles were considered eligible in which information such as definition, measurement methods, and correlates were then extracted. Findings: Students’ career anxiety is generally defined in terms of feelings, physiological reactions, and cognitive components related to students’ career situations. Factors related to individuals, their environment, and helpful environmental and psychological resources were identified. Conclusion: Students’ career anxiety might manifest itself in negative feelings, physiological reactions, and maladaptive cognitive state. School and students’ direct environment might play an essential role in ensuring smooth career exploration by identifying and helping manage students’ career anxiety.


Keywords: students’ career anxiety, students’ employment anxiety, career-related anxiety


Abstrak: Kecemasan karir pelajar: Reviu literatur sistematis. Kekhawatiran terhadap karir muncul bahkan pada populasi pelajar. Telah banyak penelitian yang membahas kecemasan karir pada populasi pelajar, namun belum ada reviu literatur yang merangkum temuan-temuan tersebut. Tujuan: Reviu literatur ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana kecemasan karir pelajar selama ini didefinisikan, diukur, dan mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel lain yang berkaitan. Metode: 780 artikel diseleksi secara sistematis, dan 17 artikel dianggap layak untuk ditelaah lebih lanjut terkait definisi, pengukuran, dan variabel korelasi yang ditemukan. Hasil: Kecemasan karir pelajar umumnya didefinisikan terkait dengan perasaan, reaksi fisiologis, dan komponen kognitif yang muncul dalam situasi karir. Faktor yang berkaitan dengan individu, lingkungan, dan sumber daya psikologis ditemukan relevan dengan keberadaan kecemasan karir. Kesimpulan: Kecemasan karir pelajar dapat muncul dalam bentuk perasaan negatif, reaksi fisiologis, serta kondisi kognitif yang negatif dan maladaptif. Sekolah dan lingkungan dapat mengambil peran yang penting dalam memastikan kelancaran eksplorasi karir pelajar dengan mengidentifikasi dan membantu pelajar menghadapi kecemasan karirnya.


Keywords: kecemasan karir pelajar, kecemasan kerja pelajar, kecemasan karir


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