The Role of Teacher Followership Mediation For Authentic Leadership Toward Teacher Work Engagement

Herdian Herdian, Een Yayah Haenilah, Hasan Hariri


Abstract: The Role of Teacher Followership Mediation for Authentic Leadership toward Teacher Work Engagement. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate how authentic leadership affects teacher followership and teacher work engagement mediated by teacher followership. Methods: A quantitative survey was employed. The population was civil servant teachers of senior high and vocational schools from 15 districts of Lampung Province, with a sample of  378 teachers randomly selected  and completed the questionnaires distributed through google form The gathered data were analyzed using SEM Amos Version 23. Findings: Authentic leadership influenced teacher followership, teacher followership influenced teacher work engagement, and teacher followership mediated the influence of authentic leadership on teacher work engagement. Conclusion: Authentic leadership positively and significantly inluences teacher work engagement mediated by teacher followership.


Keywords: authentic leadership, teacher followership, teacher work engagement, role of mediation


Abstrak: Peran Mediasi Kepengikutan Guru untuk Kepemimpinan Autentik terhadap Kerja Guru. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti bagaimana pengaruh kepemimpinan autentik terhadap kepengikutan guru dan terhadap keterlibatan kerja guru yang dimediasi kepengikutan guru. Metode: Survei kuantitatif digunakan. Populasinya adalah guru ASN SMA dan SMK dari 15 kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung, dengan 378 guru sebagai sampel yang dipilih secara acak dan melengkapi kuesioner yang dikirimkan melalui google form. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan SEM Amos Versi 23. Temuan: Kepemimpinan autentik mempengaruhi kepengikutan guru, kepengikutan guru mempengaruhi keterlibatan kerja guru, dan kepengikutan guru memediasi pengaruh kepemimpinan autentik terhadap keterlibatan kerja guru. Kesimpulan: Kepemimpinan autentik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keterikatan kerja guru yang dimediasi oleh kepengikutan guru.


Kata kunci: kepemimpinan autentik, kepengikutan guru, keterlibatan kerja guru, peran mediasi.


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