Project-Based Activities through Lesson Study: Improvements of Creative Thinking Performance of Pre-Service Biology Teachers in Indonesia
Abstract: Project-Based Activities through Lesson Study: Improvements of Creative Thinking Performance of Pre-Service Biology Teachers in Indonesia. Objective: This study aims to improve students creative thinking skills by applying project-based learning through lesson study. Method: This research uses classroom action research through lesson study with three open classes with a total of 16 subjects of departement biology education, Universitas Hamzanwadi . The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings: Student activity scores during the learning process from the first, second and third open classes were 73.62 percent, 80.09 percent and 84.72 percent there was an average increase in activity of 5.56 percent. Data on students’ creative thinking ability were obtained successively by 75 percent, 81.25 percent and 93.75 percent, there was an average increase of 9.38 percent. Conclusion: The application of project-based learning through lesson study can improve students creative thinking skills.
Keywords: project-based learning, creative thinking, lesson study.
Abstrak: Aktivitas-Aktivitas Berbasis Proyek melalui Lesson Study: Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Calon Guru Biologi di Indonesia. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek melalui lesson study. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas melalui lesson studi dengan tiga open class dengan subyek berjumlah 16 orang mahasiswa program studi pendidikan biologi Universitas Hamzanwadi. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Temuan: Skor aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran dari open class pertama, kedua dan ketiga sebesar 73, 62 persen, 80,09 persen dan 84, 72 persen terdapat peningkatan rata rata aktivitas sebesar 5,56 persen. Data kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa diperoleh berturut turut sebesar 75 persen, 81,25 persen dan 93,75 persen, terjadi rata rata peningkatan sebesar 9,38 persen. Kesimpulan : Penerapan pembelajaran project based learning melalui lesson study dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran berbasis proyek, berpikir kreatif, lesson study.
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