How Does Emotional Intelligence Affects Teachers Contextual Performance A Path Analysis
Abstract: How Does Emotional Intelligence Affects Teachers Contextual Performance A Path Analysis. Objectives: This study explores the effect of emotional intelligence on interpersonal communication and teachers contextual performance, and how interpersonal communication mediating emotional intelligence affects contextual performance. Methods: A questionnaire collected data through the survey methods toward 230 public elementary school teachers in Indonesia. Data analysis uses path analysis supported by descriptive statistics and correlational. Finding: The results show that emotional intelligence had a significant effect on teachers contextual performance, directly and indirectly, mediated by interpersonal communication. Conclusion: A new model regarding the effect of emotional intelligence on teachers contextual performance, mediated by interpersonal communication, was confirmed. Thus, the researchers and educational practitioners can discuss and adopt a new empirical model to improve teachers contextual performance through emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication in the future.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, contextual performance, teacher.
Abstrak: Bagaimana Kecerdasan Emosional Mempengaruhi Kinerja Kontekstual Guru Sebuah Analisis Jalur. Tujuan: Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap komunikasi interpersonal dan kinerja kontekstual guru, dan bagaimana komunikasi interpersonal memediasi pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja kontekstual. Metode: Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner melalui survei terhadap 230 guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur yang didukung oleh statistik deskriptif dan korelasional. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja kontekstual guru secara langsung dan tidak langsung dimediasi oleh komunikasi interpersonal. Kesimpulan: Sebuah model baru mengenai pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja kontekstual guru dengan mediasi komunikasi interpersonal terkonfirmasi. Dengan demikian, peneliti dan praktisi pendidikan dapat mendiskusikan dan mengadopsi model empiris baru tersebut untuk meningkatkan kinerja kontekstual guru melalui kecerdasan emosional dan komunikasi interpersonal di masa depan.
Kata kunci: Kecerdasan emosional, komunikasi interpersonal, kinerja kontekstual, guru.
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