Competence of Secondary Science Teachers in Developing Self-Learning Modules
Abstract: Competence of Filipino Secondary Science Teachers in Developing Self-Learning Modules. Objectives: This study investigates the competence of Filipino secondary science teachers in developing self-learning modules (SLMs) in terms of intellectual property compliance, learning competencies, instructional design and organization, instructional quality, assessment, and readability. Methods: Data were gathered from 68 Filipino teachers using simple random sampling and clustered sampling techniques. To analyze the data, frequency count and percentage, mean and standard deviation, and one–way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were utilized. Findings: Results revealed that science teachers were highly competent in developing SLMs across all six variables. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference in the competence in developing SLMs in terms of intellectual property compliance based on their highest educational attainment and in terms of the aspects of learning competencies, instructional design, and organization, and assessment based on their sex. Conclusions: Teachers’ competence is essential in improving the quality of performance in the learning process.
Keywords: science education, self-learning modules, teacher’s competence.
Abstrak: Kompetensi Guru IPA SMA di Filipina dalam Mengembangkan Modul Belajar Mandiri. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menyelidiki kompetensi guru IPA SMA di Filipina dalam mengembangkan modul belajar mandiri dalam hal kepatuhan kekayaan intelektual, kompetensi pembelajaran, desain dan pengorganisasian pembelajaran, kualitas pembelajaran, penilaian, dan keterbacaan. Metode: Data dikumpulkan dari 68 guru Filipina menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan clustered sampling. Untuk menganalisis data, digunakan frekuensi dan persentase, mean dan standar deviasi, dan Analisis Varians satu arah (ANOVA). Temuan: Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa guru sains sangat kompeten dalam mengembangkan SLM di semua enam variabel. Selanjutnya, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik dalam kompetensi pengembangan SLMs dalam hal kepatuhan kekayaan intelektual berdasarkan pencapaian pendidikan tertinggi mereka dan dari aspek kompetensi pembelajaran, desain pembelajaran, dan organisasi, dan penilaian berdasarkan jenis kelamin mereka. Kesimpulan: Kompetensi guru sangat penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas kinerja dalam proses pembelajaran.
Kata kunci: pendidikan IPA, modul belajar mandiri, kompetensi guru.
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