Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Indonesian Context: an Overview
Abstract: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Indonesian Context: an Overview. Objectives: this study aims to give an overview of the implementation of CLIL in the Indonesian context from recent empirical studies. Methods: a systematic literature review was employed, including searching the literature, identifying the study, coding the study, conducting a quality appraisal, and doing thematic analysis. Findings: (1) CLIL is implemented as a framework for teaching material developments, (2) CLIL has been researched to seek the effect of implementation of CLIL on content comprehension, language skills and attitude, and (3) pedagogical suggestions were highlighted including improving teachers competence, initiating cooperation among content and language teachers and boosting students motivation. Conclusion: CLIL research in Indonesian EFL setting has been growing significantly in recent years. Some reported that CLIL approach is also collaborated with other approaches such as bilingual education, project-based learning, task-based learning and genre-based learning.
Keywords: CLIL, Indonesia, systematic literature review, teaching approach.
Abstrak: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) di Indonesia: Suatu Tinjauan. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran implementasi CLIL dalam konteks Indonesia dari studi empiris terkini. Metode: studi ini menggunakan metode studi literatur yang sistematis, termasuk pencarian literatur, identifikasi studi, pengkodean studi, uji kualitas, dan analisis tematik (menggunakan program Nvivo). Temuan: (1) CLIL diimplementasikan sebagai framework untuk pengembangan bahan ajar, (2) CLIL telah diteliti untuk mencari pengaruh penerapan CLIL pada pemahaman konten, keterampilan bahasa dan sikap, dan (3) saran pedagogis yang disorot meliputi peningkatan kompetensi guru, memprakarsai kerjasama antar guru konten dan guru bahasa, serta meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Kesimpulan: Penelitian CLIL dalam setting EFL di Indonesia telah berkembang secara signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Beberapa melaporkan bahwa pendekatan CLIL juga dikolaborasikan dengan pendekatan lain seperti pendidikan bilingual, pembelajaran berbasis proyek, pembelajaran berbasis tugas dan pembelajaran berbasis genre.
Kata kunci: CLIL, Indonesia, ulasan literatur sistematis, pendekatan pengajaran.
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