Do School Climate and Subjective Well-Being Affect Student Achievement in Indonesia?: A Linear Regression Analysis
Abstract: Do school climate and subjective well-being affect student achievement in Indonesia? A linear regression analysis. Objectives: The purpose of this study is divided into two parts. First, to investigate whether school climate and subjective well-being influence student achievement. Second, to determine whether school size moderates this association, especially the teacher support and student achievement. Methods: This research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Data were obtained from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018. The number of respondents is 12089 students from 397 schools in Indonesia. Findings: The results showed that: 1) the level of parental education influences student achievement; 2) School climate positively impacts student achievement; 3) School size moderates the association between teacher support and student achievement in Indonesia. Conclusion: School climate is an important factor for student achievement. We suggest that improvements in the school climate should be implemented to improve student achievement in Indonesia.
Keywords: school climate, school size, subjective well-being, student achievement.
Abstrak: Apakah iklim sekolah dan kesejahteraan subjektif berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di Indonesia? Suatu analisis regresi linear. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian. Pertama, untuk mengetahui pengaruh iklim sekolah dan kesejahteraan subjektif terhadap prestasi siswa. Kedua, untuk mengetahui apakah ukuran sekolah memoderasi efek iklim sekolah, khususnya dukungan guru terhadap prestasi siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Data diperoleh dari Program Penilaian Siswa Internasional (PISA) pada tahun 2018. Jumlah sampel 12089 siswa dari 397 sekolah di Indonesia. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) tingkat pendidikan orang tua berpengaruh terhadap prestasi siswa; 2) Iklim sekolah berdampak positif terhadap prestasi siswa; 3) Ukuran sekolah memoderasi pengaruh dukungan guru terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di Indonesia. Kesimpulan: Iklim sekolah adalah faktor penting terhadap prestasi siswa. Kami menyarankan agar perbaikan dalam iklim sekolah harus diterapkan untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa di Indonesia.
Kata kunci: iklim sekolah, ukuran sekolah, kesejahteraan subkektif, prestasi siswa.
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