Learning a Factual Text Genre: An Analysis of the Secondary High School Teachers’ Abilities in Developing Learning Devices

Imam Safi'i, Wini Tarmini, Hamzah Puadi Ilyas


Abstract: Factual Text Genre: Analysis of the Ability of High School Teachers in Developing Learning Tools. Objective: This study aims to describe the ability of Indonesian language teachers in Banten Provision in designing factual text genre. Methods: The method was content analysis. The research sample was taken purposively through the XII grade. Indonesian Language Lesson Plan Module compiled. Data collection and analysis were done by measuring the relevance of data categorization in terms of genre pedagogical, genre scientific, and the completeness of the evaluation instrument. Findings: The average ability of teachers in describing learning with genre pedagogical approach was 67%; the ability of teachers in describing genre scientific methods was 83%; the ability of teachers in making assessment instruments based on the genre of text was 50%. Conclusion: Teachers’ competence in designing textual genre-based learning was not optimal. The results of this study can be utilized as an assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of Indonesian language learning based on the text genre.

Keywords: factual text genre, high school teachers, content analysis


Abstrak: Genre Teks Faktual: Analisis atas Kemampuan Guru SMA di Provinsi Banten dalam Penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan para guru bahasa Indonesia di Provinsi Banten dalam mendesain pembelajaran genre teks factual. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Sampel penelitian diambil secara purposive melalui Modul Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas XII. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengukur relevansi kategorisasi data dari segi pedagogi genre, saintifik genre, dan kelengkapan instrumen evaluasi. Temuan: Rata-rata kemampuan guru dalam mendeskripsikan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan pedagogi genre sebesar 67%, kemampuan guru dalam memaparkan metode saintifik genre sebesar 83%, dan kemampuan guru dalam membuat instrumen penilaian berbasis genre teks factual sebesar 50%. Kesimpulan: Kompetensi guru dalam merancang pembelajaran berbasis genre teks belum optimal. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penilaian efektivitas implementasi pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia berbasis genre teks. 

Kata kunci: genre teks faktual, guru sekolah menengah, analisis konten.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v10.i2.202008

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