Exploring Pre-Service Teachers Personal Preference and Implications for Teacher Education
Abstract Exploring Pre-Service Teachers Personal Preference and Implications for Teacher Education. Objectives The purpose of this research is to describe and map the aspects of deference, order, succorance, change, and aggression of pre-service teachers. Method This descriptive-quantitative research was conducted in the Faculty of teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung. 247 student teachers were selected form 4 different study programs. Edward Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) test was administered. Findings The findings suggest that the four different study programs employ different level of preference in relation to their preparation as a teacher. Conclusion These differences are believed to have impact on teacher education variance.
Keywords pre-service teacher, teacher education, personal preference.
Abstrak Dampak Preferensi Personal bagi Pendidikan Guru. Tujuan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan memetakan aspek penghormatan, ketertiban, bantuan, perubahan, dan agresi calon guru. Metode Penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif ini dilakukan di Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung. 247 mahasiswa dipilih dari 4 program studi yang berbeda. Tes Edward Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) diberikan. Temuan Temuan menunjukkan bahwa keempat program studi yang berbeda menerapkan tingkat preferensi yang berbeda dalam kaitannya dengan persiapan mereka sebagai guru. Kesimpulan Perbedaan preferensi personal diyakini berdampak pada varians ketercapaian program pendidikan bagi calon guru.
Kata kunci calon guru, pendidikan guru, preferensi personal.
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