Arwin Surbakti


The purpose of the experimental study is to asses the impact of field trip and knowledge biodiversity toward new paradigm environmental (NEP) the student class one high secondary school. The experiment was conducted for 64 participants who were randomly selected with the factorial design of 2 X 2. The instructional participants were treated with random assignment. The findings of the research revealed that: (a) There is the new paradigm environmental (b) The participants biodiversity who knowledge higher field trip strategy in TNWK and strategy field trip around school, who were no taught with the new paradigm environmental. (c) The participants biodiversity knowledge lower with field trip in strategy TNWK and strategy field trip around school, who were taught for the new paradigm environmental. 4. There is no positive interaction influence between field trip in strategy TNWK and strategy field trip around school class one.

Keywords: biodiversity, biological diversity, most basic level include the fullrange of species on earth

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai dampak dari kunjungan lapangan dan pengetahuan keanekaragaman hayati terhadap paradigma baru lingkungan (NEP) yang siswa kelas satu sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini melibatkan sampel dari 64 peserta yang dipilih secara acak dengan desain faktorial 2 X 2. Peserta didik dibekali dengan tugas acak. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa ada paradigma baru lingkungan bagi siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi kunjungan lapangan dalam TNWK dan strategi perjalanan di sekitar sekolah

Kata kunci: keanekaragaman, keanekaragaman hayati, tingkat yang paling dasardari berbagai spesies di bumi

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