Apa Makna Karir Bagimu?: Pemaknaan Kata Karir pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir Mahasiswa Universitas Lampung
This paper investigated the phenomena of Lampung University students lack interest to engage in career guidance program (especially career plan
topic ) through survey related to the quality of Lampung University final year students understanding about the meaning of words career. This is a survey research which invloved 285 respondents. The results showed that 74% of subjects have low understanding about the meaning of word career, they only see career as work. Almost a half of the subjects (45%)
make the income aspect as priority consideration in choosing a job compared to the talent and interest aspect and career path aspect.
Keywords: career education, career development program, theory of planned behavior
Penelitian ini menginvestigasi fenomena rendahnya minat mahasiswa Universitas Lampung untuk mengikuti program pembinaan karir (perencanaan karir) melalui survei mengenai pemahaman mahasiswa tingkat akhir Universitas Lampung terhadap makna kata karir. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan 285 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 74% subjek memiliki pemahaman makna karir yang rendah, yaitu hanya sebatas bekerja. Hampir sebagian subjek (45%) menjadikan aspek penghasilan sebagai prioritas pertimbangan dalam memilih pekerjaan, dibanding aspek kesesuaian bakat dan minat dan aspek jenjang karir.
Kata kunci: pendidikan karir, program pengembangan karir, theory of planned behavior
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