High School Students Ability with Translation Among Mathematical Representations in Solving the HOTS-Based Problems

Azizah Nur Laily Rahmawati, Cholis Sa’dijah, Lathiful Anwar


Abstract Translation is considered as a step in transforming the information contained from the source representation to the destination representation. In the process of students doing mathematical translation there are four stages of activity, Unpacking the Source, Preliminary Coordination, Constructing the Target, and Determining Equivalence. This study aims to analyze the activities carried out by students in translating representations from graphic to symbolic, table to symbolic, and verbal to symbolic based on HOTS. This research was conducted at SMA Lamongan Regency with three research students in class XI who had learned about the concept of quadratic functions. The instruments used were translation questions and interview guidelines. The applied data analysis focused on four stages of translation activity which were then grouped according to (high, medium, and low categories). The results showed that the translation of verbal representations into symbolic ones was the most difficult for students to complete.


Keywords mathematical translation, representation, HOTS.


Abstrak Translasi dinilai sebagai langkah dalam mentransformasikan informasi yang termuat dari representasi sumber ke representasi tujuan. Kemampuan siswa dalam mentranslasi representasi sangat penting dalam pembelajaran. Proses siswa dalam melakukan translasi matematis terdapat empat tahapan aktivitas, Unpacking the Source (membongkar suatu masalah), Preliminary Coordination (menghubungkan suatu masalah), Constructing the Target (melakukan kontruksi target), dan Determining Equivalence (pengecekan kembali). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses aktivitas yang dilakukan siswa dalam melakukan translasi representasi dari grafik ke simbolik, tabel ke simbolik, dan verbal ke simbolik berbasis HOTS. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Kabupaten Lamongan dengan tiga siswa penelitian kelas XI yang telah belajar mengenai konsep fungsi kuadrat. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji soal translasi dan pedoman wawancara. Analisis data yang diterapkan, difokuskan pada empat tahapan aktivitas translasi yang kemudian dikelompokkan sesuai dengan (kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan translasi representasi verbal ke simbolik yang paling sulit diselesaikan oleh siswa.  


Kata kunci translasi matematika, representasi, keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpmipa/v23i4.pp1887-1899

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