Development of Dicot and Monocot Learning Media using Flannel and Cardboard to Improve Biology Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Stundets

Rismawati Siregar, Nirwana Anas


Abstract Learning media innovation Flanchard, or flannel and cardboard, evolved from book-based image media into three-dimensional flannel flanchard media.The goal of this study is to create a flanchard-based learning medium that is reliable, useful, and efficient.The research methodology utilized is the research and development (R and D) ADDIE development model, which consists of the following five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.The 24 students in class VIII at SMP Swasta Bina Siswa served as the study's subjects.Expert and media expert validation sheets for testing feasibility, practitioner validation sheets for testing practicality, pretest and posttest sheets, and student response sheets for testing effectiveness were the instruments used in the research.The study demonstrates that the developed Flanchard-based media is said to be very feasible with a percentage of 84 percent, very practical with a percentage of 86 percent, and very effective with an increase in learning in the high category, which was tested with n-gain with a score of 0.7 and participant responses.


Keywords Flanchard, biology learning outcomes, development research.


Abstrak Flanchard (flannel and cardboard) adalah inovasi media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dari media gambar berbasis buku menjadi media flanchard tiga dimensi berbahan flannel. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis flanchard yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D) model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi lima tahap, yaitu analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Swasta Bina Siswa yang terdiri dari 24 siswa.Instrumen penelitian yaitu lembar validasi ahli dan ahli media pada pengujian kelayakan, lembar validasi praktisi untuk mengetahui kepraktisan, serta lembar pretest dan posttes, serta lembar respon peserta didik untuk pengujian keefektifan. Hasil dari penelitian membuktikan bahwa media berbasis Flanchard  yang dikembangkan dinyatakan sangat layak dengan persentase 84 persen, sangat praktis dengan persentase 86 persen, serta sangat efektif dengan adanya peningkatan belajar kategori tinggi yang telah diuji dengan n-gain dengan skor 0,7 dan respon peserta didik sangat baik dengan persentase 81,67 persen.  


Kata kunci: Flanchard, hasil belajar biologi, penelitian pengembangan.  


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