The objective of this study to determine how the achievement of the Minimum Standard Services (MSS) of primary and junior secondary education in the district of North Aceh and Probolinggo through the use of application TRIMS. TRIMS is the application of data collection and analysis of school attainment SPM in order to achieve basic educational services. In this study, the method used is descriptive analysis, the percentage achievement of SPM than ideal conditions.
The results of this study indicate that the MSS performance at district level in the district of North Aceh and Probolinggo the results tend to be less satisfactory, the average MSS his achievement has not reached 100 percent. That is, on the whole it was found that education in North Aceh Regency is still less developed or low views of achievement MSS. Although the condition at Propolinggo better then Aceh Utara, but almost the same thing also happened in Probolinggo.
Achievement MSS that fulfillment is the responsibility of the schools level at primary and junior secondary schools in the district of North Aceh and Probolinggo still much below 100%. Though compliance is the responsibility of the school or madrasah .
Apparently much absorbed BOS allocations to meet MSS availability of teachers, which is to pay teachers' salaries.
Keywords : minimal service standard, TRIMS, parimary educationalFull Text:
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